Cherish Yesterday...Dream Tomorrow...Live Today

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Look What I Got From a T-shirt!!

Hi and happy Sunday.  It was a very busy week for me.  We had three early dismissals at school because of severe Wintery weather and on Thursday I had two doctor appointments, my son and his fiance's graduation from LPN school and dinner with her parents.  Friday brought a doctor appointment that I had to reschedule due to the horrible weather Tuesday.  I was exhausted this weekend and I was lazy all day yesterday.  I figured I had it coming!

On to the fun stuff!  I am very proud of the mileage I got from a plain grey t-shirt.

First I made another t-shirt scarf like the black one I made.  I wear alot of grey so I am sure it will get alot of use.  Then I have been eyeballing all the cute fabric flowers that are so popular right now.  They remind me of something Carrie would wear on Sex in the City.  Anyway, I found an easy tutorial from Emily at Emily's Little World  and I was very pleased with the results.  I sewed a pin on the back so I can wear it with or without the scarf.  I had some shirt left and I thought of another little garment I would like from the grey knit.

  I made a modesty panel.  I bought some modesty panels a while back and the pack came with white, cream, black and navy.  I wear them alot so I thought it would be great to have a grey one.  I followed a tutorial on YouTube and it worked out pretty well.  I had to piece it a little more than it showed because I was working with limited material but it all came out ok.  I put the buttons and elastic on it that it called for but I will probably just safety pin it to my bra straps like I do the other ones!  I find it slides down too low and kind of defeats the purpose if I use the closures like this.  It will get lots of use though and I love that I used the whole shirt.

I hope everyone has a wonderful week ahead.  I have my oldest son's 23rd birthday next weekend and I am thrilled to have a less busy schedule ahead this week! I have so many projects I want to make.  I need to lock myself in my craft room and get going!  Take care.  Nancy