I don't know about you, but I really notice the difference in myself if I don't get enough time to make things in my craft room! Last week, I really made the time and I could feel myself releasing tension. The week before, I shot in there long enough to sew up a pouch that only took a couple of hours. I felt myself losing patience with little things throughout that week and I couldn't put my finger on why. I think I have figured it out now!
Here is another stress reliever for me: Mickey. We have been having our windows open so, naturally, being nosy, she is always looking out the window. I guess watching the birds and squirrels is tiring work because I found her sound asleep(and snoring) with her paws on the window sill like she couldn't hold herself up any more! She is looking forward(I imagine) to the screened in porch being opened up. She spends alot of time out there. She has never been outside in her life and I worry about her trying to sneak out when someone opens the door so we will have to be vigilant about that. Speaking about the screened in porch, I made this sunflower pillow cover yesterday. I used fusible web for the applique and sewed over it for extra security. I may get a bigger pillow form to fill it out better. I measured the existing pillow form and allowed myself extra because I tend to take bigger seam allowances. Apparently, this time I didn't so I have a little more room in the pillow form. I also want to make one of those sprocket pillows I have seen in blogland. Those are adorable. That may be next on my list.
I also wanted to share with you an amazing dessert I made this past week: Cherry Cheese Cookie Bars. I used some of a huge bag of sugar cookie mix I bought at Sam's Club. It called for 2 1/2 cups of mix, 1 stick of softened butter and 1 egg. You could probably use your own recipe or that refrigerated sugar cookie dough. I mixed it per the instructions and patted it in an ungreased 9 x 13 pan. Then I mixed a softened 8 oz cream cheese(I used fat free-gotta save where you can!) 1 Tablespoon flour, 1/4 cup sugar, 1 egg and a splash of vanilla. Beat that with a hand mixer until smooth. Spread over raw cookie dough and bake at 375 for 20 minutes. Cool completely. Top with 2 cans of cherry pie filling. You can mix a little almond extract in with the cherries if you wish. Really Really good. These would be good to bring to a cook out or pot luck.

I hope everyone had a great Memorial Day with family and friends and whatever else makes you happy. Take care. Nancy